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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 曹仁大战东吴兵,孔明一气周公瑾 -> 8

鲁肃:“大丈夫!”孔明:“?”玄德孔明玄德孔明:“周瑜?”孔明:“?”玄德:“曹操。”孔明:“周瑜。”玄德:“?”孔明:“。”玄德Lu Su stammered and seemed unwilling to be cited as one of the witnesses, but Zhou Yu said, "When the word of a noble person has gone forth, it is ended. He never regrets." "This speech of yours, Sir, is very generous," interjected Zhuge Liang. "The South Land shall try first. But if the place does not fall, there is no reason why my lord should not capture it." The two visitors then took their leave and rode away. As soon as they had left, Liu Bei turned to Zhuge Liang and said, "O Master, you bade me thus reply to Zhou Yu. But though I did so, I have turned it over and over in my mind without finding any reason in what I said. I am alone and weak, without a single foot of land to call my own. I desired to get possession of Nanjun that I might have, at least, a temporary shelter, yet I have said that Zhou Yu may attack it first. If it falls to the South Land, how can I get possession?" Zhuge Liang laughed and replied, "First I advised you to attack Jingzhou, but you would not listen. Do you remember?" "But it belonged to Liu Biao, and I could not bear to attack it then. Now it belongs to Cao Cao, I might do so." "Do not be anxious," replied the adviser. "Let Zhou Yu go and attack it. Some day, my lord, I shall make you sit in the high place thereof." "But what design have you?" "So and so," said Zhuge Liang, whispering. Liu Bei was satisfied with the reply, and only strengthened his position at Youkou.
