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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 曹仁大战东吴兵,孔明一气周公瑾 -> 24

:“大丈夫?”曹仁:“周瑜!”Zhou Yu lay and listened. Suddenly he sprang up, crying, "The noble person who has eaten of his lord's bounty should die in his lord's battles. To return home dead and wrapped in a horse's hide is a happy fate. Am I the sort of people to bring to nought the grand designs of my lord?" So speaking he proceeded to gird on his armor, and he mounted his horse. The wonder of the officers only redoubled when their General placed himself at the head of some hundreds of horsemen and went out of the camp gates toward the enemy, then fully arrayed. Cao Ren, their general, stood beneath the great standard. At sight of the opponents, Cao Ren flourished his whip and began to hurl abuse at them, "Zhou Yu, you babe! I think your fate has met you. You dare not face my army!"
