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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 諸葛亮智辭魯肅,趙子龍計取桂陽 -> 3

魯肅趙雲:「劉玄德。」:「。」:「孔明!」孔明:「退使。」So Lu Su, with his escort, went away to Nanjun to carry out his proposal and try to arrange matters. He reached the city wall and summoned the gate, whereat Zhao Zilong came out to speak with him. "I have something to say to Liu Bei," said he. "I wish to see him." "My lord and Zhuge Liang are in Jingzhou," was the reply. Lu Su turned away and hasted to Jingzhou. He found the walls bedecked with flags and everything in excellent order. In his heart he admired the sight, and thought what an able person was the commander of that army. The guards reported his arrival, and Zhuge Liang ordered them to throw wide the gate. Lu Su was led to the government house and, after the usual exchange of salutes, Zhuge Liang and his visitor took their respective seats. Having finished the tea, Lu Su said, "My master, Marquis Sun Quan, and the commander of his army, Zhou Yu, have sent me to lay before the Imperial Uncle their views. When Cao Cao led his huge host southward, he gave out that it was for the conquest of the South Land. But really his intention was to destroy Liu Bei. Happily our army was able to repulse that mighty host and so saved him. Wherefore Jingzhou with its nine territories of forty-two counties ought to belong to us. But by a treacherous move, your master has occupied Jingzhou and Xiangyang, so that we have spent our treasure in vain and our armies have fought to no purpose. The Imperial Uncle has reaped the benefits to the full. This is not as it should be."
