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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 諸葛亮智辭魯肅,趙子龍計取桂陽 -> 5

:「劉琦便?」:「魯肅。」:「?」:「劉琦劉備。」The banquet over, Lu Su took his leave. He hastened back to his own camp and gave Zhou Yu an account of his mission. "But what is there for us in the chance of Liu Qi's death?" said Zhou Yu. "He is in his very first youth. When will these places fall to us?" "Rest content, General. Let me guarantee the return of these places." "But how can you?" asked Zhou Yu. "Liu Qi has indulged too freely in wine and women. He is a wreck and rotten to the core, miserably emaciated and panting for breath. I will not give him half a year's life. Then I will go to Liu Bei, and he will be unable to deny the request."
