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The rules of propriety serve as instruments to form men's characters, and they are therefore prepared on a great scale.
Being so,
the value of them is very high.
They remove from a man all perversity,
and increase what is beautiful in his nature.
They make him correct, when employed in the ordering of himself;
they ensure for him free course,
when employed towards others.
They are to him what their outer coating is to bamboos,
and what its heart is to a pine or cypress.
天下These two are the best of all the productions of the (vegetable) world.
They endure through all the four seasons, without altering a branch or changing a leaf.
君子 The superior man observes these rules of propriety,
so that all in a wider circle are harmonious with him, and those in his narrower circle have no dissatisfactions with him.
怀 Men acknowledge and are affected by his goodness,
and spirits enjoy his virtue.
