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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 諸葛亮智辭魯肅,趙子龍計取桂陽 -> 11

道榮:「周郎!」孔明孔明便道榮道榮孔明道榮張翼德道榮便翼德道榮:「趙子龍?」Xing Daorong laughed derisively, saying, "Their defeat was owing to the plan of Zhou Yu. You had nothing to do with it. How dare you try to deceive me?" So saying he swung up his battle-ax and came running toward Zhuge Liang. But Zhuge Liang turned his carriage and retired within the lines which closed up behind him. Xing Daorong came rushing on. As he reached the array, the troops fell away on both sides and let him enter. Well within he looked round for his chief opponent. Seeing a yellow flag moving along quietly, he concluded that Zhuge Liang was with it and so followed it. When the flag had gone over the shoulder of a hill it stopped. Then suddenly as if the earth had opened and swallowed it up, the four-wheeled carriage disappeared, while in its place came a ferocious warrior, with a long serpent halberd in his hand and mounted on a curvetting steed. It was Zhang Fei, who dashed at Xing Daorong with a tremendous roar. Nothing daunted, Xing Daorong whirled up his battle-ax and went to meet Zhang Fei. But after four or five bouts, Xing Daorong saw that there was no chance of victory for him, so he turned his horse and ran. Zhang Fei pursued, the air shaking with the thunder of his voice. Then the ambushing troops appeared. Xing Daorong, nothing daunted, rushed into their midst. But in front appeared another warrior barring the way, who called out, "Do you know me? I am Zhao Zilong of Changshan."
