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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 諸葛亮智辭魯肅,趙子龍計取桂陽 -> 22

趙雲:「趙範。」趙雲:「陳應。」So in the night the two men and their followers ran over to Zhao Zilong's camp to desert. Zhao Zilong understood the trick they would play, but he called them in, and they said, "When Zhao Fan tempted you with that fair lady, he wanted to make you drunk and get you into the private apartments so that he might murder you and send your head to Cao Cao. Yes, he was as wicked as that even. We saw you go away in anger, and we thought that would mean grave trouble for us, and so we have deserted." Zhao Zilong listened with simulated joy, and he had wine served to the two men, and pressed them to drink so that they were quite overcome. When this was done, he had both bound with cords, called up their followers, and asked them whether this was real or pretended desertion, and they told him the truth. Then he gave the soldiers wine and said, "Those who wanted to harm me are your leaders and not you. If you do as I tell you, you shall be well rewarded." The soldiers threw themselves to the ground and promised obedience. Thereupon the two leaders —-Chen Ying and Bao Long —-were beheaded. Their five hundred troops were made to lead the way and act as screen for a whole thousand of horsemen, and the party set out at full speed for Guiyang. When they got there, they summoned the gate.
