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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 諸葛亮智辭魯肅,趙子龍計取桂陽 -> 25

張飛:「子龍金旋!」孔明:「翼德。」孔明But Zhang Fei was angry and disappointed. "So Zhao Zilong gets all the praise, and I am worth nothing," cried he. "Just give me three thousand soldiers, and I will take Wuling and bring you the Governor." This pleased Zhuge Liang, who said, "There is no reason why you should not go, but I will only require one condition of you." Wondrous, the plans of the general, so doth he conquer in battle; Soldiers keenly competing gain renown in the fighting. The condition that Zhuge Liang made will appear in the next chapter.
