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儒家 -> 禮記 -> 禮器 -> 28

The courses of the heavenly (bodies) supply the most perfect lessons,
聖人 and the sages possessed the highest degree of virtue.
Above, in the hall of the ancestral temple,
there was the jar, with clouds and hills represented on it on the east,
西 and that with the victim represented on it on the west.
Below the hall
西 the larger drums were suspended on the west,
and the smaller drums answering to them on the east.
The ruler appeared at the (top of the) steps on the east;
his wife was in the apartment on the west.
The great luminary makes his appearance in the east;
西 the moon makes her appearance in the west.
Such are the different ways in which the processes of darkness and light are distributed in nature, and such are the arrangements for the positions (corresponding thereto) of husband and wife.
西 The ruler fills his cup from the jar with an elephant represented on it;
his wife fills hers from that with clouds and hills.
With such reciprocation do the ceremonies proceed above,
while the music responds in the same way below
- there is the perfection of harmony.
