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2011-09-24 16:42:41some sort of commentary?
Posted by: bao_pu (Scott Barnwell)My own copy of the Hanshu Yiwenzhi has more content than the one on this site. For example, for Wenzi, it reads: 《文子》九篇。老子弟子,与孔子并时,而称周平王问,似依托者也。 whereas this site just has 《文子》九篇。
Can someone explain this to me?

2011-09-26 04:07:37some sort of commentary?
Posted by: dsturgeon (Donald Sturgeon)Hi Scott,

The version on this site doesn't include any of 颜师古's commentary - you may want to compare it with this edition:

2011-09-26 17:39:37some sort of commentary?
Posted by: bao_pu (Scott Barnwell)Thanks very much Don,
I had previously thought that that extra information was of a Han date. It's good to know that the commentary is from the Tang. Does this commentary have a title?

2011-09-27 02:41:30some sort of commentary?
Posted by: remnantIt is just called 汉书注 (Commentary to the Hanshu) and was the first authoritative commentary. It is included in most scholarly editions. The next truly comprehensive commentary was 王先谦's 汉书补注 (Supplemental Commentary to the Hanshu) from the late Qing, which incorporated the commentaries, notes and scholarly fruit of numerous other commentators between Yan Shugu and the Qing.

There is a fairly comprehensive list of commentators (most of them just partial commentaries or notes) of the Hanshu at the following link:

2012-08-09 23:22:44some sort of commentary?
Posted by: bao_pu (Scott Barnwell)
Quote: dsturgeon @ 2011-09-26 04:07:37
Hi Scott,

The version on this site doesn't include any of 颜师古's commentary - you may want to compare it with this edition:

I've asked someone about this matter just recently and he says that "老子弟子,与孔子并时,而称周平王问,似依托者也。" in the Wenzi example is NOT Yan Shigu's commentary, but is instead Liu Xiang's/Ban Gu's. He points to the next entry (on page 83 of the link you provided) to show where Yan Shigu's commentary is indicated by "Shigu says" (师古曰). He says that although perhaps counterintuitive, the small print was written by Liu Xiang/Ban Gu. (He also refers me to p. 1729 of the 中华书局, which I do not have access to.)

If this is the case, there is a lot of information missing from your Yiwenzhi Chinese text!

2012-08-25 02:17:57some sort of commentary?
Posted by: dsturgeon (Donald Sturgeon)Hi Scott,

Thanks for that and sorry for taking so long to reply; I've been away from home for some time for a number of reasons. You may well be correct about some parts of the commentary, but I'll need to look in to the details once I get back to Hong Kong in a couple of days. Please post again here if you find out any more clues.

2012-08-30 08:11:45some sort of commentary?
Posted by: dsturgeon (Donald Sturgeon)Looking into it a little I think you're right, part of the commentary does seem to be attributed to Ban Gu himself. According to 张舜徽's 《汉书艺文志通释》(p.11):

I'll try to get the commentary added in, but this may take some time.

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