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Discussion -> Chinese Text Project -> volume index number of 說文解字 is different from 大徐本.

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2021-06-03 02:26:54volume index number of 說文解字 is different from 大徐本.
Posted by: mpsuzukiAt least, 四部叢刊初編本《說文解字》 has 序 at the volume 15 upper (第15上). The text in the version moves it to the volume 1. As a result, all volume index number in the version is incremented. For example, 四部叢刊本 has 丄部 in 巻1上, but the version has it in 巻2.
Is there any possibility that the volume numbers would be synced to other existing 大徐本 in future? I can understand that it can cause some compatibility issues (and some people want to keep it as it is now), but I hope the difference from the real 大徐本 is stated in somewhere.

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