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Discussion -> Translations -> Xunzi 23.24 English (end)

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2016-11-18 06:35:12Xunzi 23.24 English (end)
Posted by: frank091 (Frank Saunders Jr)Fanruo, Jushi were great, ancient bows. However, were they not straightened by the bow-making frame, they would have been unable to straighten themselves out. Duke Huan's sword "Cong," Duke Tai's sword "Jue," King Wen's sword "Lu," Lord Zhuang's sword "Hu," He Lu's swords "Ganjiang," "Mo-xie," "Jujue," and "Pilu,"---these were all great, ancient swords. However, if they were not augmented with grinding and whetting, they could not be sharp, and without their wielder's strength, they could not slice. Hualiu, Qiji, Xianli, Luer---these were all great, ancient horses. However they must have been regulated by reins and bridles in front of them; they must have been dominated by whips and canes behind them, as well as have a Zaofu riding them---only then in a single day could they travel a thousand li.

Now people, even if their spontaneous nature and substance were beautiful, and their hearts were clever and perceptive, they must seek out worthy teachers and serve them, and select good friends to befriend. If they get worthy teachers and serve them, then they will hear of the Way of Yao, Shun, Yu, and Tang. If they get good friends and befriend them, then they will see loyal, honest, respectful, and yielding conduct. Each day you will proceed towards benevolence and righteousness, but not know it yourself. What you accumulate makes it so. If you stay with bad people, then what you will hear is cheating, fraud, trickery, and falsehoods, and what you will see conduct that is filthy, impure, and greedy for profit. You will daily bring yourself closer to punishment and execution, but not know it yourself. What you accumulate makes it so. A saying says, "If you don't know your son, take a look at his friends. If you don't know your lord, take a look at his retainers." Accumulate and that's it! Accumulate and that's it!

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