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Textual issues -> Zhuangzi - Lüshi Chunqiu parallel
2011-11-08 15:47:36Zhuangzi - Lüshi Chunqiu parallel |
Posted by: bao_pu (Scott Barnwell) | Although not an exact parallel, we find this parallel between Zhuangzi 3 and Lüshi Chunqiu 9.5:
LSCQ 宋之庖丁好解牛
ZZ 庖丁為文惠君解牛
LSCQ 所見無非死牛者
ZZ 所見无非牛者
LSCQ 三年而不見生牛
ZZ 三年之後,未嘗見全牛也
LSCQ 用刀十九年
ZZ 今臣之刀十九年
LSCQ 刃若新磨研
ZZ 刃若新發於硎
LSCQ 順其理
ZZ 依乎天理
LSCQ 誠乎牛也。
ZZ ...
2011-11-09 07:38:03Zhuangzi - Lüshi Chunqiu parallel |
Posted by: dsturgeon (Donald Sturgeon) | Thanks a lot for pointing those out - I'll try to find a suitable way of adding these parallels, along with a couple of others relating to the same passage. |
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