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Discussion -> Translations -> Meaning of "取" in context

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2024-12-30 03:56:23Meaning of "取" in context
Posted by: yeyuan98Current translation of "非我無所取" is "if there were not I (with my views), his would be uncalled for".

This may be inaccurate due to misunderstanding of "取" in context. The same character is used in #1 "... 咸其自取,怒者其誰邪". In that context, it is clear that "自取" means "self-selecting" or "self-determination" and "取" takes meaning of "selecting" or "determination".

Here (#3), "取" shall take the same meaning. Therefore, the whole sentence "非彼無我,非我無所取。" means "If there were not 'others', there should not be 'me'; If there was not 'me', there should not be any (self-)determination."

This interpretation fits the context better imo because: #1 sets up the question of "who is it that stirs it all up (i.e., existence of omnipresence/creator)"; #2 explores the idea of "此" (i.e., here/present) to interpret the creator with kind of a circular argument; #3 (with the new translation) then expands to theorize that "彼" ('others') as the creator who cannot be known fully (see "是亦近矣,而不知其所為使。")

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