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《礼记 - Liji》 | [Warring States (475 BC - 221 BC)] English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《礼记》 Library Resources Source Related resources |
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曲礼下 - Qu Li II
檀弓上 - Tan Gong I
檀弓下 - Tan Gong II
王制 - Wang Zhi
月令 - Yue Ling
曾子问 - Zengzi Wen
文王世子 - Wen Wang Shi Zi
礼运 - Li Yun
礼器 - Li Qi
郊特牲 - Jiao Te Sheng
内则 - Nei Ze
玉藻 - Yu Zao
明堂位 - Ming Tang Wei
丧服小记 - Sang Fu Xiao Ji
大传 - Da Zhuan
少仪 - Shao Yi
学记 - Xue Ji
乐记 - Yue Ji
杂记上 - Za Ji I
杂记下 - Za Ji II
丧大记 - Sang Da Ji
祭法 - Ji Fa
祭义 - Ji Yi
祭统 - Ji Tong
经解 - Jing Jie
哀公问 - Ai Gong Wen
仲尼燕居 - Zhongni Yan Ju
孔子闲居 - Kongzi Xian Ju
坊记 - Fang Ji
中庸 - Zhong Yong
表记 - Biao Ji
缁衣 - Zi Yi
奔丧 - Ben Sang
问丧 - Wen Sang
服问 - Fu Wen
间传 - Jian Zhuan
三年问 - San Nian Wen
深衣 - Shen Yi
投壶 - Tou Hu
儒行 - Ru Xing
大学 - Da Xue
冠义 - Guan Yi
昏义 - Hun Yi
乡饮酒义 - Xiang Yin Jiu Yi
射义 - She Yi
燕义 - Yan Yi
聘义 - Pin Yi
丧服四制 - Sang Fu Si Zhi
Source: "Sacred Books of the East, volume 28, part 4: The Li Ki", James Legge, 1885
Digital base text [?]
A scanned version of the manuscript to which the digital edition of this text should conform is available in the Chinese Text Project Library. The Chinese Text Project edition of this text shown above is intended to follow the specified scanned source text in the Library section of the site except where explicitly noted. If you find any discrepancies, please report them so that they can be corrected.
URN: ctp:liji