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孔子閒居 - Kongzi Xian Ju

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《孔子閒居》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "Confucius at home at leisure"]

1 孔子閒居:
Kongzi Xian Ju:
Confucius being at home at leisure, with Zi-xia by his side, the latter said, 'With reference to the lines in the Book of Poetry (III, ii, ode 8, 1), "The happy and courteous sovereign, is the father and mother of the people;" I beg to ask what the sovereign must be, who can be called "the parent of the people."' Confucius said, 'Ah! the parent of the people! He must have penetrated to the fundamental principles of ceremonies and music, till he has reached the five extreme points to which they conduct, and the three that have no positive existence, and be able to exhibit these all under heaven; and when evil is impending in any part of the kingdom, he must have a foreknowledge of it - such an one is he whom we denominate 'the parent of the people.'

2 孔子閒居:
Kongzi Xian Ju:
Zi-xia said, 'I have thus heard (your explanation) of the name "parent of the people;" allow me to ask what "the five extreme points" (that you mention) mean.' Confucius said, 'The furthest aim of the mind has also its furthest expression in the Book of Poetry. The furthest expression of the Book of Poetry has also its furthest embodiment in the ceremonial usages. The furthest embodiment in the ceremonial usages has also its furthest indication in music. The furthest indication of music has also its furthest indication in the voice of sorrow. Sorrow and joy produce, each the other; and thus it is that when we look with the directest vision of the eyes at (these extreme points) we cannot see them, and when we have bent our ears with the utmost tension we cannot hear them. The mind and spirit must embrace all within heaven and earth - these are what we denominate "the five extreme points."'

Total 2 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.