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Scope: Li Qi Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "五獻之尊門外缶門內壺君尊瓦甒" Matched:1.
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禮器 - Li Qi

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《禮器》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "Rites in the formation of character"]

8 禮器:
Li Qi:
In others, smallness of size formed the mark. At the sacrifices of the ancestral temple, the highest in rank presented a cup (of spirits to the representative of the dead), and the low, a san (containing five times as much): (at some other sacrifices), the honourable took a zhi (containing 3 cups), and the low a horn (containing 4). (At the feasts of viscounts and barons), when the vase went round 5 times, outside the door was the earthenware fou (of supply), and inside, the hu; while the ruler's vase was an earthenware wu - these were cases in which the smallness of size was the mark of distinction.

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