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Scope: Qu Li II Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "天子祭天地祭四方祭山川祭五祀歲遍" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

曲禮下 - Qu Li II

Books referencing 《曲禮下》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "Summary of the Rules of Propriety Part 2"]

118 曲禮下:
Qu Li II:
The son of Heaven sacrifices (or presents oblations) to Heaven and Earth; to the (spirits presiding over the) four quarters; to (the spirits of) the hills and rivers; and offers the five sacrifices of the house, all in the course of the year. The feudal princes present oblations, each to (the spirit pre-siding over) his own quarter; to (the spirits of) its hills and rivers; and offer the five sacrifices of the house,-all in the course of the year. Great officers present the oblations of the five sacrifices of the house, all in the course of the year. (Other) officers present oblations to their ancestors.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.