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Scope: Tan Gong I Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "是故竹不成用瓦不成味木不成斫琴瑟張而不平竽笙備而不和有鐘磬而無簨虡其曰明器神明之也" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

檀弓上 - Tan Gong I

Books referencing 《檀弓上》 Library Resources
74 檀弓上:
Tan Gong I:
Confucius said, 'In dealing with the dead, if we treat them as if they were entirely dead, that would show a want of affection, and should not be done; or, if we treat them as if they were entirely alive, that would show a want of wisdom, and should not be done. On this account the vessels of bamboo (used in connexion with the burial of the dead) are not fit for actual use; those of earthenware cannot be used to wash in; those of wood are incapable of being carved; the lutes are strung, but not evenly; the pandean pipes are complete, but not in tune; the bells and musical stones are there, but they have no stands. They are called vessels to the eye of fancy; that is, (the dead) are thus treated as if they were spiritual intelligences.'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.