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Scope: Tan Gong II Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "戰于郎公叔禺人遇負杖入保者息曰使之雖病也任之雖重也君子不能為謀也士弗能死也不可" Matched:1.
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檀弓下 - Tan Gong II

Books referencing 《檀弓下》 Library Resources
178 檀弓下:
Tan Gong II:
During the fight at Lang, Gong-shu Yu-ren saw (many of) the men, carrying their clubs on their shoulders, entering behind the shelter of the small wall, and said, 'Although the services required of them are distressing, and the burdens laid on them heavy, (they ought to fight): but though our superiors do not form (good) plans, it is not right that soldiers should not be prepared to die. This is what I say.' On this along with Wang, a youth, (the son) of a neighbour, he went forward, and both of them met their death. The people of Lu wished to bury the lad Wang not as one who had died prematurely, and asked Zhong-ni about the point. He said, 'As he was able to bear his shield and spear in the defence of our altars, may you not do as you wish, and bury him as one who has not died prematurely?'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.