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Scope: Tou Hu Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "投壺之禮主人奉矢司射奉中使人執壺" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

投壺 - Tou Hu

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《投壺》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "The game of pitch-pot"]

1 投壺:
Tou Hu:
According to the rules for Pitch-pot, the host carries the arrows in both his hands put together; the superintendent of the archery carries in the same way the stand on which the tallies were placed; and an attendant holds in his hand the pot. The host entreats (one of the guests), saying, 'I have here these crooked arrows, and this pot with its wry mouth; but we beg you to amuse yourself with them.' The guest says, 'I have partaken, Sir, of your excellent drink and admirable viands; allow me to decline this further proposal for my pleasure.' The host rejoins, 'It is not worth the while for you to decline these poor arrows and pot; let me earnestly beg you to try them.' The guest repeats his refusal, saying, 'I have partaken (of your entertainment), and you would still further have me enjoy myself;--I venture firmly to decline.' The host again says, "It is not worth the while for you to decline these poor arrows and pot; let me earnestly beg you to try them,' and then the guest says, 'I have firmly declined what you request, but you will not allow me to refuse;--I venture respectfully to obey you.' The guest then bows twice, and signifies that he will receive (the arrows). The host wheels round, saying, 'Let me get out of the way;' and then at the top of the steps on the east, he bows to the guest and gives him the arrows. The guest wheels round, and says, 'Let me get out of the way.'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.