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Condition 1: References "八伯各以其属,属于天子之老二人" Matched:1.
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王制 - Wang Zhi

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《王制》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "Royal Regulations"]

7 王制:
Wang Zhi:
(The contributions from) the first hundred li (square) of the son of Heaven served to supply (the needs of) the (various) public offices; (those from the rest of) the thousand li were for his own special use. Beyond his thousand li, chiefs of regions were appointed. Five states formed a union, which had a President. Ten formed a combination, which had a Leader. Thirty formed a confederation, which had a Director. Two hundred and ten formed a province, which had a Chief. In the eight provinces there were eight Chiefs, fifty-six Directors, one hundred and sixty-eight Leaders, and three hundred and thirty-six Presidents. The eight Chiefs, with those under them, were all under the two Ancients of the son of Heaven. They divided all under the sky between them, one having charge of the regions on the left and the other of those on the right, and were called the two (Great) Chiefs. All within the thousand li (of the royal domain) was called the Tien (or field Tenure). Outside that domain there were the Cai (or service territories) and the Liu (or territory for banished persons).

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