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玉藻 - Yu Zao

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《玉藻》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "The jade-bead pendants of the royal cap"]

35 玉藻:
Yu Zao:
When an officer was speaking before the ruler, if he had occasion to speak of a Great officer who was dead, he called him by his posthumous epithet, or by the designation of his maturity; if of an officer (who was similarly dead), he called him by his name. When speaking with a Great officer, he mentioned officers by their name, and (other) Great officers by their designation. In speaking at a Great officer's, he avoided using the name of the (former) ruler, but not that of any of his own dead. At all sacrifices and in the ancestral temple, there was no avoiding of names. In school there was no avoiding of any character in the text.

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