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Scope: Yue Ling Request type: Paragraph
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月令 - Yue Ling

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《月令》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "Proceedings of Government in the Different Months"]

46 月令:
Yue Ling:
In this month the longest day arrives. The influences in nature of darkness and decay and those 'Of brightness and growth struggle together; the tendencies to death and life are divided. Superior men give themselves to vigil and fasting. They keep retired in their houses, avoid all violent exercise, restrain their indulgence in music and beautiful sights, eschew the society of their wives, make their diet spare, use no piquant condiments, keep their desires under rule, and maintain their spirits free from excitement. The various magistrates keep things quiet and inflict no punishments - to bring about that state of settled quiet in which the influence of darkness and decay shall obtain its full development. Deer shed their horns. Cicadas begin to sing. The midsummer herb is produced. The tree hibiscus flowers.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.