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杂记下 - Za Ji II

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
[Also known as: "Miscellaneous records II"]

122 杂记下:
Za Ji II:
There are three things that occasion sorrow to a superior man (who is devoted to learning) - If there be any subject of which he has not heard, and he cannot get to hear of it; if he hear of it, and cannot get to learn it; if he have learned it, and cannot get to carry it out in practice. There are five things that occasion shame to a superior man (who is engaged in governmental duties) - If he occupy an office, and have not well described its duties; if he describe its duties well, but do not carry them into practice; if he have got his office, and lost it again; if he be charged with the care of a large territory, and the people be not correspondingly numerous; if another, in a charge like his own, have more merit than he.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.