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曾子问 - Zengzi Wen

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《曾子问》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "The questions of Zeng-zi"]

31 曾子问:
Zengzi Wen:
Zeng-zi asked, 'When a ruler goes across the boundary of his own state, he takes with him his inner coffin as a precaution for the preparations against the three years'(mourning rites) for him. If he die (abroad), what are the proceedings on his being brought back?'
Confucius said, 'The clothes to be put on him after the coffining having been provided, the son in the linen cap, with the sackcloth band round it, wearing coarse sackcloth and the shoes of straw, and carrying a staff, will enter by the opening made in the wall of the apartment for the coffin, having ascended by the western steps. If the slighter dressing (preparatory to the coffining) have still (to be made), the son will follow the bier without a cap, enter by the gate, and ascend by the steps on the east. There is one and the same rule for a ruler, a Great officer, and an ordinary officer.'

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