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Scope: Shuaixing Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "孔門弟子七十之徒皆任卿相之用被服聖教文才雕琢知能十倍教訓之功而漸漬之力也" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

率性 - Shuaixing

English translation: Albert Forke [?] Library Resources
4 率性:
The seventy disciples of the school of Confucius were each of them able to creditably fill the post of a minister of state. Conforming to the holy doctrines, they became accomplished scholars, and their knowledge and skill grew tenfold. This was the result of teaching; thus latent faculties were gradually developed. Before they joined Confucius' school, they sauntered about in the streets as quite ordinary and in no wise exceptional people. The most ungovernable of all was Zilu, who is generally reported to have been a common and unsteady individual. Before he became Confucius' pupil, he wore a feather hat and a pig skin belt. He was brutal and unmannerly. Whenever he heard some reading, he tossed up his feather hat, pulled his belt, and uttered such a yell, that he deafened the ears of the worthies and sages. Such was his wickedness. Confucius took him under his guidance. By degrees he polished and instructed him. The more he advanced in knowledge, the more he lost his fierceness, and his arrogance was broken. At last he was able to govern a state, and ranked in the four classes. This is a shining example of how a man's character was changed from bad into good.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.