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Scope: Shuaixing Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "魏之行田百畝鄴獨二百西門豹灌以漳水成為膏腴則畝收一鍾" Matched:1.
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率性 - Shuaixing

English translation: Albert Forke [?] Library Resources
12 率性:
In Wei the land was divided in lots of a hundred mu, in Ye alone the lots measured two hundred mu. Ximen Bao irrigated his land with water from the Zhang and made it so fertile, that it yielded one bushel per mu. Man's natural parts are like the fields of Ye, tuition and education, like the water from the Zhang. One must be sorry for him that cannot be transformed, but not for a man whose character it is difficult to govern. In the streets of the city of Luoyang there was no water. It was therefore pulled up from the Luo by watermen. If it was streaming quickly day and night, it was their doing. From this point of view kindness and justice must increase manifold in him who comes into close contact with an excellent man. Mencius' mother changed her domicile, for she had ascertained this truth.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.