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Scope: Autobiography Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "曆數冉冉庚辛域際雖懼終徂愚猶沛沛乃作養性之書凡十六篇" Matched:1.
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自紀 - Autobiography

English translation: Albert Forke [?] Library Resources
14 自紀:
In the third year of Yuan-he, Wang Chong emigrated to Dan-yang, Jiu-jiang, and Lu-jiang in the province of Yang-zhou, and was appointed sub-prefect. His abilities were small, and his office was important. His chief duties were in connection with official correspondence. All plans of writing anything he had given up for many years. In the second year of Zhang-he, his business in the province ceased. He lived at home, and gradually advanced in age, till he reached about seventy years. Then he gave up his official carriage, and his official career was definitely closed. He could not help it. He had many annoyances, and his body felt the infirmities of age. His hair grew white, his teeth fell out, he became older from day to day, and his comrades dispersed. He had nothing to rely upon, was too poor to nurse himself, and had no joy left. But time went slowly on, the keng and hsing years came to an end, but though he was afraid that his death was near at hand, he was still full of silly ideas. Then he wrote a book on Macrobiotics in sixteen chapters.
To keep himself alive, he cherished the vital fluid. As a stimulant for the appetite he used wine. Closing eyes and ears against external influences, he spared his energy as a means of self-protection. Using medicines he kept up his forces, and by following this method he hoped to prolong his days. For a while he did not age, but when it. was too late, there was no return.
This book was left as a guide to posterity. But the duration of human life is limited. Men like animals live for a while and die. We can only remember the years gone by, who can order them to stand still? We must go down to the yellow sources, and become earth and ashes. From Huang Di and Tang down to the Qin and Han many have been guided by the holy doctrine and have found the truth by their genius, just like a scales and bright like a mirror, yet young and old they have lived and died, of old and now all have been included. Life cannot be prolonged, alas!

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.