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Scope: Jin Xin II Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "孟子曰口之於味也目之於色也耳之於聲也鼻之於臭也四肢之於安佚也性也有命焉君子不謂性也" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

盡心下 - Jin Xin II

Books referencing 《盡心下》 Library Resources
70 盡心下:
Jin Xin II:
Mencius said, 'For the mouth to desire sweet tastes, the eye to desire beautiful colours, the ear to desire pleasant sounds, the nose to desire fragrant odours, and the four limbs to desire ease and rest - these things are natural. But there is the appointment of Heaven in connexion with them, and the superior man does not say of his pursuit of them, "It is my nature." The exercise of love between father and son, the observance of righteousness between sovereign and minister, the rules of ceremony between guest and host, the display of knowledge in recognising the talented, and the fulfilling the heavenly course by the sage - these are the appointment of Heaven. But there is an adaptation of our nature for them. The superior man does not say, in reference to them, "It is the appointment of Heaven."'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.