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Scope: Li Lou II Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "子產聽鄭國之政以其乘輿濟人於溱洧" Matched:1.
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離婁下 - Li Lou II

Books referencing 《離婁下》 Library Resources
30 離婁下:
Li Lou II:
When Zi Chan was chief minister of the State of Zheng, he would convey people across the Zhen and Wei in his own carriage. Mencius said, 'It was kind, but showed that he did not understand the practice of government. When in the eleventh month of the year the foot-bridges are completed, and the carriage-bridges in the twelfth month, the people have not the trouble of wading. Let a governor conduct his rule on principles of equal justice, and, when he goes abroad, he may cause people to be removed out of his path. But how can he convey everybody across the rivers? It follows that if a governor will try to please everybody, he will find the days not sufficient for his work.'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.