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Scope: Anti-Confucianism II Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "是若人氣鼸鼠藏而羝羊視賁彘起" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

非儒下 - Anti-Confucianism II

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
3 非儒下:
Anti-Confucianism II:...:
Moreover, the Confucianist glosses over the elaborate ceremonials and music to make man extravagant; he extends mourning and pretends grief to cheat his parents. He introduces fate and causes poverty, and lives in idleness. He overthrows the fundamentals and avoids work, and is indolent and proud. Self-indulgent in drinking and eating and too lazy to work, he often suffers from hunger and cold and is in danger of freezing and starvation, without ability to avert them. He behaves like a beggar; grasps food like a hamster, gazes at things like a he-goat, and rises up like a wild boar. The gentlemen all laugh at him. He becomes angry and exclaims: "What does the undisciplined man know about the good Confucianist?" In spring and summer he begs for grains. When the five grains are all gathered in he resorts to the funerals. All the sons and grandsons are taken along and are filled with drink and food. It is sufficient for him to manage but a few funerals. He depends on others' houses for his wealth and uses others' fields to uphold his dignity. When a death takes place in a rich family he will rejoice greatly, for it is his opportunity for clothing and food.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.