| 鲁问: |
鲁君谓子墨子曰:“吾恐齐之攻我也,可救乎?”子墨子曰:“可。昔者,三代之圣王禹汤文武,百里之诸侯也,说忠行义,取天下。三代之暴王桀纣幽厉,雠怨行暴,失天下。吾愿主君,之上者尊天事鬼,下者爱利百姓,厚为皮币,卑辞令,亟遍礼四邻诸侯,驱国而以事齐,患可救也,非此,顾无可为者。” |
| Lu's Question: |
The Lord of Lu asked Mozi: "I fear Qi will attack me. Is there any remedy?" Mozi said: Yes, the sage-kings of the Three Dynasties, Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu, were originally feudal lords of states of only a hundred li square. Yet, enlisting the loyal and practising righteousness, they acquired the empire. While the wicked kings of the Three Dynasties, Jie, Zhou, You, and Li, by estranging the loyal and practising wickedness, lost the empire. I wish your Lordship would reverence Heaven and the spirits above and love and benefit the people below; prepare plenty of furs and money and humble your speech to befriend all the neighbouring lords, and lead the state to serve Qi. Besides this, indeed nothing can be done. |
| 鲁问: |
齐将伐鲁,子墨子谓项子牛曰:“伐鲁,齐之大过也。昔者,吴王东伐越,栖诸会稽,西伐楚,葆昭王于随。北伐齐,取国子以归于吴。诸侯报其雠,百姓苦其劳,而弗为用,是以国为虚戾,身为刑戮也。昔者,智伯伐范氏与中行氏,兼三晋之地,诸侯报其雠,百姓苦其劳,而弗为用,是以国为虚戾,身为刑戮用是也。故大国之攻小国也,是交相贼也,过必反于国。” |
| Lu's Question: |
Qi was going to attack Lu. Mozi said to Xiang Zi Niu: To attack Lu is a great wrong on the part of Qi. Formerly, the Lord of Wu attacked Yue on the east and drove (Lord Gou Jian of Yue) to take refuge upon Guiji. He attacked Chu on the west and hold fast Lord Zhao at Sui. On the north he attacked Qi and brought Guozi back to Wu. The feudal lords then took vengeance and his people complained of the hardship and would not be commanded. Thereupon the state perished and the Lord of Wu was executed. Formerly, Zhi Bo attacked both the house of Fan and the house of Zhongxing, and absorbed all the land of the Three Jin states. The feudal lords then took vengeance and his people complained of the hardship and would not be commanded. Thereupon the state perished and he was executed. Therefore the attack of a large state on a small state is injury to both and the consequences of the wrong will always return to the large state. |
| 鲁问: |
子墨子见齐大王曰:“今有刀于此,试之人头,倅然断之,可谓利乎?”大王曰:“利。”子墨子曰:“多试之人头,倅然断之,可谓利乎?”大王曰:“利。”子墨子曰:“刀则利矣,孰将受其不祥?”大王曰:“刀受其利,试者受其不祥。”子墨子曰:“并国覆军,贼杀百姓,孰将受其不祥?”大王俯仰而思之曰:“我受其不祥。” |
| Lu's Question: |
Mozi saw the Grand Lord of Qi and said: Suppose here is a sword. When it is tried on a man's neck it severs it swiftly. Can it be said to be sharp? The Grand Lord said it is sharp. Mozi said: When it is tried on several men's necks, it severs them swiftly. Can it be said to be sharp? The Grand Lord said it is sharp. Mozi said: Of course, the sword is (proved to be) sharp, but who will take the curse of the deed upon him? The Grand Lord said that the sword reaped the benefit but he who tries it will be visited by the curse for the act. Mozi continued : Now to capture a state, ruin an army, and destroy the people - who will be visited by the curse for this act? The Grand Lord looked down and up and deliberated, saying: "I shall be visited with the curse for this act." |
| 鲁问: |
鲁阳文君将攻郑,子墨子闻而止之,谓阳文君曰:“今使鲁四境之内,大都攻其小都,大家伐其小家,杀其人民,取其牛马狗豕布帛米粟货财,则何若?”鲁阳文君曰:“鲁四境之内,皆寡人之臣也。今大都攻其小都,大家伐其小家,夺之货财,则寡人必将厚罚之。”子墨子曰:“夫天之兼有天下也,亦犹君之有四境之内也。今举兵将以攻郑,天诛亓不至乎?”鲁阳文君曰:“先生何止我攻郑也?我攻郑,顺于天之志。郑人三世杀其父,天加诛焉,使三年不全。我将助天诛也。”子墨子曰:“郑人三世杀其父而天加诛焉,使三年不全。天诛足矣,今又举兵将以攻郑,曰‘吾攻郑也,顺于天之志’。譬有人于此,其子强梁不材,故其父笞之,其邻家之父举木而击之,曰:‘吾击之也,顺于其父之志’,则岂不悖哉?” |
| Lu's Question: |
Prince Wen of Lu Yang was going to attack Zheng. Mozi heard of it and tried to stop him, saying to him: Suppose within the borders of Lu Yang the large cities should attack the small cities and the large houses attack the small houses, killing the people and carrying away the oxen and horses, dogs and hogs, cloth and silk, and grains and valuables. What would you say? Prince Wen of Lu Yang replied: "Within the borders of Lu Yang all are my subjects. Now, should the large cities attack the small cities and the large houses attack the small houses, carrying away their valuables, I should punish them severely." Mozi said: Now, Heaven possesses the whole world just as your Lordship possesses your state. But you are raising an army to attack Zheng. Shouldn't punishment from Heaven come to you? Prince Wen of Lu Yang said: "Why should you, sir, prevent me from attacking Zheng? I attack Zheng, in accordance with the will of Heaven. The people of Zheng have murdered their father for three generations. Heaven has been visiting them with punishment. It has caused them to be unprosperous for three years. I am only helping Heaven to carry out the punishment." Mozi said: The people of Zheng have murdered their father for three generations. Heaven has been visiting them with punishment. It has caused them to be unprosperous for three years. The punishment of Heaven is sufficient. Yet, you are raising an army to attack Zheng, proclaiming: "My attack on Zheng is in accordance with the will of Heaven." Suppose there is a man whose son is strong but insolent. So the father punished him with a ferule. But the neighbour's father struck him with a heavy staff, saying: "It is in accordance with his father's will that I strike him." Isn't this perversity? |
| 鲁问: |
子墨子谓鲁阳文君曰:“攻其邻国,杀其民人,取其牛马、粟米、货财,则书之于竹帛,镂之于金石,以为铭于锺鼎,传遗后世子孙曰:‘莫若我多。’今贱人也,亦攻其邻家,杀其人民,取其狗豕食粮衣裘,亦书之竹帛,以为铭于席豆,以遗后世子孙曰:‘莫若我多。’亓可乎?”鲁阳文君曰:“然吾以子之言观之,则天下之所谓可者,未必然也。” |
| Lu's Question: |
Mozi said to Prince Wen of Lu Yang: If a lord had attacked the neighbouring states, killed their people, carried away their oxen and horses, grains and valuables, a lord might yet record it on bamboos and silk and engrave it on metal and stone and write it up into maxims on the bell and the ting to hand down to posterity, saying: "None possess so much as I." Now, the unscrupulous common man also attacks neighbouring homes, kills their inmates, and takes the dogs and hogs, food and clothing. They would also like to record it on bamboos and silk and write it up into maxims on the vessels and dishes to hand down to posterity, saying: "None possesses so much as I." Is this permissible? Prince Wen of Lu Yang said: "According to what you have said then what the world takes for granted may not be right after all." |
| 鲁问: |
子墨子为鲁阳文君曰:“世俗之君子,皆知小物而不知大物。今有人于此,窃一犬一彘则谓之不仁,窃一国一都则以为义。譬犹小视白谓之白,大视白则谓之黑。是故世俗之君子,知小物而不知大物者,此若言之谓也。” |
| Lu's Question: |
Mozi said to Prince Wen of Lu Yang: The gentlemen of the world know only trifles but not things of importance. If a man steals a dog or pig, they call him wicked. But stealing a state or a city is regarded as righteous. This is similar to calling it white when one sees a little white, but calling it black when he sees much white. And this is what is meant when we say the gentlemen of the world know only trifles and not things of importance. |
| 鲁问: |
鲁阳文君语子墨子曰:“楚之南有啖人之国者桥,其国之长子生,则鲜而食之,谓之宜弟。美,则以遗其君,君喜则赏其父。岂不恶俗哉?”子墨子曰:“虽中国之俗,亦犹是也。杀其父而赏其子,何以异食其子而赏其父者哉?苟不用仁义,何以非夷人食其子也?” |
| Lu's Question: |
Prince Wen of Lu Yang said to Mozi: There is a cannibal tribe on the south of Chu. When the first son is born they dissect and devour him. This is said to be propitious to his younger brothers. If he tastes delicious, he will be offered to the chief, and if the chief is pleased the father will be rewarded. Isn't this a wicked custom?" Mozi said: So is the custom in China. How is killing the father and rewarding the son different from devouring the son and rewarding the father? If magnanimity and righteousness are not observed, wherefore shall we condemn the barbarians for eating their sons? |
| 鲁问: |
鲁君之嬖人死,鲁君为之诔,鲁人因说而用之。子墨子闻之曰:“诔者,道死人之志也,今因说而用之,是犹以来首从服也。” |
| Lu's Question: |
Upon the death of a favourite concubine of the Lord of Lu, somebody in Lu wrote an obituary for her. The Lord of Lu was pleased with it and employed the writer. Mozi heard of it and remarked: An obituary is but to narrate the ambitions of the dead. To employ the man because his obituary is pleasing is like making the wild cat pull a carriage. |
| 鲁问: |
鲁阳文君谓子墨子曰:“有语我以忠臣者,令之俯则俯,令之仰则仰,处则静,呼则应,可谓忠臣乎?”子墨子曰:“令之俯则俯,令之仰则仰,是似景也。处则静,呼则应,是似响也。君将何得于景与响哉?若以翟之所谓忠臣者,上有过则微之以谏,己有善,则访之上,而无敢以告。外匡其邪,而入其善,尚同而无下比,是1以美善在上,而怨雠在下,安乐在上,而忧戚在臣。此翟之所2谓忠臣者也。” |
| Lu's Question: |
Prince Wen of Lu Yang asked Mozi: "Suppose somebody was recommended as a loyal minister. And he would bow down when I let him bow down; he would bend back when I let him bend back. Staying there he would be silent, and when called upon he would answer. Can this be said to be loyal?" Mozi said: To bow down when permitted, to bend back when permitted - this is but a shadow. To remain silent when let alone, to answer when called upon - this is but an echo. What would your Lordship get out of an echo or a shadow? According to my conception of a loyal minister, when the superior is at fault he should wait and warn; possessing a good idea he should give counsel to the superior without revealing it to the world; he should correct irregularities and lead in goodness ; he should identify himself with the superior and not ally himself with subordinates. So that goodness and excellences will be attributed to the superior and complaints and grudges lodged against the subordinates; so that ease and happiness be with the superior and trouble and worry with the ministers. This is what I call a loyal minister. 1. 是 : Inserted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》 2. 所 : Inserted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
| 鲁问: |
鲁君谓子墨子曰:“我有二子,一人者好学,一人者好分人财,孰以为太子而可?”子墨子曰:“未可知也,或所为赏与为是也。魡者之恭,非为鱼赐也;饵鼠以虫,非爱之也。吾愿主君之合其志功而观焉。” |
| Lu's Question: |
The Lord of Lu consulted Mozi, saying: "Now I have two sons. One likes learning and the other likes dividing property for people. Which one should be crowned Prince?" Mozi said: We can't tell (just from this). It may be that they behave so just for the praise and reward of it. The fisherman's bait is not intended to feed the fish. Trapping a mouse with worms is not for the love of the mouse. I wish your Lordship would observe both their intention and consequences. |
| 鲁问: |
鲁人有因子墨子而学其子者,其子战而死,其父让子墨子。子墨子曰:子欲学子之子,今学成矣,战而死,而子愠,而犹欲粜,粜雠,则愠也。岂不费哉?” |
| Lu's Question: |
There was a man in Lu who sent his son to Mozi to study. The son perished in a battle. The father blamed Mozi for it. Mozi said: You wanted to have your son trained. Now he had completed his training and died in battle. And you become sore. This is like trying to sell something, and yet becoming sore when it is sold. Isn't this peculiar? |
| 鲁问: |
鲁之南鄙人,有吴虑者,冬陶夏耕,自比于舜。子墨子闻而见之。吴虑谓子墨子“义耳义耳,焉用言之哉?”子墨子曰:“子之所谓义者,亦有力以劳人,有财以分人乎?”吴虑曰:“有。”子墨子曰:“翟尝计之矣。翟虑耕而食天下之人矣,盛,然后当一农之耕,分诸天下,不能人得一升粟。籍而以为得一升粟,其不能饱天下之饥者,既可睹矣。翟虑织而衣天下之人矣,盛,然后当一妇人之织,分诸天下,不能人得尺布。籍而以为得尺布,其不能暖天下之寒者,既可睹矣。翟虑被坚执锐救诸侯之患,盛,然后当一夫之战,一夫之战其不御三军,既可睹矣。翟以为不若诵先王之道,而求其说,通圣人之言,而察其辞,上说王公大人,次匹夫徒步之士。王公大人用吾言,国必治;匹夫徒步之士用吾言,行必修。故翟以为虽不耕而食饥,不织而衣寒,功贤于耕而食之、织而衣之者也。故翟以为虽不耕织乎,而功贤于耕织也。”吴虑谓子墨子曰:“义耳义耳,焉用言之哉?”子墨子曰:“籍设而天下不知耕,教人耕,与不教人耕而独耕者,其功孰多?”吴虑曰:“教人耕者其功多。”子墨子曰:“籍设而攻不义之国,鼓而使众进战,与不鼓而使众进战,而独进战者,其功孰多?”吴虑曰:“鼓而进众者其功多。”子墨子曰:“天下匹夫徒步之士,少知义而教天下以义者,功亦多,何故弗言也?若得鼓而进于义,则吾义岂不益进哉?” |
| Lu's Question: |
Among the rustic people living south of Lu there was a man by the name of Wu Lu. Making pottery in winter and farming in summer, he compared himself to Shun. Mozi heard of him and went to see him. Wu Lu told Mozi: "Righteousness is just righteousness. Wherefore all the verbosity? Mozi asked him: Now, does what you call righteousness possess power to serve other people and produce wealth to divide among the people? Wu Lu said that it does. Mozi continued: I have deliberated about this matter. I have thought of becoming a farmer and feeding the people in the world. If that could be successful I would become one. But when a farmer's produce is divided among the world, each person cannot get even one sheng of grain. Even if he can obtain, that much, evidently that cannot feed all the hungry in the world. I have thought of becoming a weaver and clothing all the people in the world. If that could be successful I would become one. But when a weaver's goods are divided among the world, each person cannot get even a foot of cloth. Even if he can obtain that much, evidently that cannot keep all who are cold in the world warm. I have thought of putting on armour and carrying a weapon to come to the feudal lord's rescue. If that could be successful I would become a soldier. Now it is evident that a soldier cannot hold out against a regular army. I concluded that none of these is as good as to familiarize myself with the Tao of the ancient sage-kings, and discover their principles, and to understand the word of the sages and be clear about their expressions; and with these to persuade the rulers and then the common people and the pedestrians. When the rulers adopt my principles their states will be orderly. When the common people and the pedestrians adopt my principles their conduct will be regulated. Therefore I think though I do not plow and feed the hungry or weave and clothe the cold, I have greater merit than those who plow and feed, and weave and clothe. Therefore I think my merit is greater than that of those who plow and weave though I do not do so. Wu Lu kept on saying, "Righteousness is just righteousness. Wherefore all the verbosity?" Mozi continued: Suppose the world does not know how to plow. Who has more merit, the man who teaches people to plow, or he who does not teach people to plow but simply plows himself? Wu Lu answered that he that teaches others to plow deserves more merit. Mozi said: In the attack of an unrighteous state, does he that beats the drum and urges the soldiers to fight on, or does he that does not beat the drum and urge the soldiers to fight on but only fights on himself deserve more merit? Wu Lu said that he that beats the drum and urges the soldiers to fight on deserves more merit. Mozi continued: Now the common people and the pedestrians in the world know little about righteousness. Naturally those who teach them righteousness deserve more merit too. Why don't you say so (in this case)? Would not my righteousness be advanced if I can encourage them in righteousness? |
| 鲁问: |
子墨子游公尚过于越。公尚过说越王,越王大说,谓公尚过曰:“先生苟能使子墨子于越而教寡人,请裂故吴之地,方五百里,以封子墨子。”公尚过许诺。遂为公尚过束车五十乘,以迎子墨子于鲁,曰:“吾以夫子之道说越王,越王大说,谓过曰,苟能使子墨子至于越,而教寡人,请裂故吴之地,方五百里,以封子。”子墨子谓公尚过曰:“子观越王之志何若?意越王将听吾言,用我道,则翟将往,量腹而食,度身而衣,自比于群臣,奚能以封为哉?抑越不听吾言,不用吾道,而吾往焉,则是我以义粜也。钧之粜,亦于中国耳,何必于越哉?” |
| Lu's Question: |
After Mozi had paid Gong Shang Guo a visit, Gong Shang Guo recommended him to the Lord of Yue. The Lord of Yue was greatly pleased, saying to Gong Shang Guo: "Sir, if you can induce Mozi to come to Yue and instruct me I shall offer him five hundred li square of the land lying in the former state of Wu." Gong Shang Guo promised to try and so fifty wagons were made ready to go to Lu, and welcome Mozi. (Gong Shang Guo) told him: "When I tried to persuade the Lord of Yue with your principles he was quite pleased and said to me that if I could induce you to come to Yue and instruct him, he would offer you five hundred li square of the land lying in the former state of Wu." Mozi said to Gong Shang Guo: As you observe it, what is the intention of the Lord of Yue? If the Lord of Yue will listen to my word and adopt my way, I shall come, asking only for food according to the capacity of my stomach, and clothing according to the stature of my body. I shall just be one of the ministers. What is the use of any commission? On the other hand, if the Lord of Yue will not listen to my word and adopt my way and I should go nevertheless, I should then be selling my righteousness. As for selling righteousness I could very well do it in China, why should I then go out to Yue? |
| 鲁问: |
子墨子游,魏越曰:“既得见四方之君子,则将先语?”子墨子曰:“凡入国,必择务而从事焉。国家昏乱,则语之尚贤、尚同;国家贫,则语之节用、节葬;国家说音湛湎,则语之非乐、非命;国家遥僻无礼,则语之尊天、事鬼;国家务夺侵凌,即语之兼爱、非攻,故曰择务而从事焉。” |
| Lu's Question: |
Mozi was visiting Wei Yue. The latter asked: "Now that you have seen the gentlemen of the four quarters, what would you say is the most urgent enterprise?" Mozi replied: Upon entering a country one should locate the need and work on that. If the country is upset in confusion, teach them with the (doctrines of) Exaltation of the Virtuous and Identification with the Superior. If the country is in poverty, teach them with Economy of Expenditures and Simplicity in Funeral. If the country is indulging in music and wine, teach them with Condemnation of Music and Anti-fatalism. If the country is insolent and without propriety, teach them to reverence Heaven and worship the spirits. If the country is engaged in conquest and oppression, teach them with Universal Love and Condemnation of Offensive War. Hence we say, one should locate the need and work on that. |
| 鲁问: |
子墨子出曹公子而于宋三年而反,睹子墨子曰:“始吾游于子之门,短褐之衣,藜藿之羹,朝得之,则夕弗得,祭祀鬼神。今而以夫子之教,家厚于始也。有家厚,谨祭祀鬼神。然而人徒多死,六畜不蕃,身湛于病,吾未知夫子之道之可用也。”子墨子曰:“不然!夫鬼神之所欲于人者多,欲人之处高爵禄则以让贤也,多财则以分贫也。夫鬼神岂唯攫黍钳肺之为欲哉?今子处高爵禄而不以让贤,一不祥也;多财而不以分贫,二不祥也。今子事鬼神唯祭而已矣,而曰:‘病何自至哉?’是犹百门而闭一门焉,曰‘盗何从入?’若是而求福于有怪之鬼,岂可哉?” |
| Lu's Question: |
Mozi had recommended Cao Gongzi to Sung. He returned in three years and saw Mozi, saying: "When I first came to your school I had to wear short jackets and eat vegetable soup. Even this I could not have in the evening if I had had it in the morning. And I had nothing to offer and sacrifice to the ghosts and spirits. Now, on your account my family has become better off. And I could respectfully offer sacrifice and worship ghosts and spirits at home. Yet several members of my household died off, the six animals do not breed, and I have myself been troubled with ailments. I doubt if your way is after all to be adopted." Mozi said: This is not fair. For what the ghosts and spirits desire of man is that when in high rank and receiving much emolument, he give up his position in favour of the virtuous; that when possessing much wealth he share it with the poor. How can the ghosts and spirits merely desire to snatch food and drink? Now, when in high rank and receiving much emolument you did not give up your position in favour of the virtuous. This is your first step to bad fortune. Possessing much wealth you did not share it with the poor. This is your second step towards misfortune. Now you serve the ghosts and spirits by merely offering them sacrifice; and you wonder whence come all the ailments. This is like shutting one out of a hundred gates and wondering whence the thieves entered. How can you invoke ghosts and spirits for blessing like this? |
| 鲁问: |
鲁祝以一豚祭,而求百福于鬼神。子墨子闻之曰:“是不可,今施人薄而望人厚,则人唯恐其有赐于己也。今以一豚祭,而求百福于鬼神,唯恐其以牛羊祀也。古者圣王事鬼神,祭而已矣。今以豚祭而求百福,则其富不如其贫也。” |
| Lu's Question: |
The master of sacrifice of Lu offered one pig and asked for a hundred blessings. Upon hearing of it Mozi said: This cannot be done. To give others little but to expect much from others would make them afraid of gifts. Now one pig is offered and a hundred blessings are asked of the ghosts and spirits. They would be quite afraid of a sacrifice of oxen and sheep. Anciently, when the sage-kings worshipped the ghosts and spirits, they just offered them sacrifice and that was all. One would be better off to remain poor than become rich by offering a pig for sacrifice and asking for a hundred blessings. |
| 鲁问: |
彭轻生子曰:“往者可知,来者不可知。”子墨子曰:“籍设而亲在百里之外,则遇难焉,期以一日也,及之则生,不及则死。今有固车良马于此,又有奴马四隅之轮于此,使子择焉,子将何乘?对曰:“乘良马固车,可以速至。”子墨子曰:“焉在矣来!” |
| Lu's Question: |
Peng Qing Shengzi said: "The past can be known, the future cannot." Mozi said: Suppose your parents met with misfortune a hundred li away. And there was just the margin of a single day. If they could be reached they would live, if not they would die. Here are a strong wagon and an excellent horse, and also a bad horse and a square-wheeled cart. And you are allowed to choose. Which would you take? It was replied that the excellent horse and the strong wagon would of course make for a more speedy journey. Mozi said: How then is the future not knowable? |
| 鲁问: |
孟山誉王子闾曰:“昔白公之祸,执王子闾斧钺钩要,直兵当心,谓之曰:‘为王则生,不为王则死。’王子闾曰:‘何其侮我也!杀我亲而喜我以楚国,我得天下而不义,不为也,又况于楚国乎?’遂而不为。王子闾岂不仁哉?”子墨子曰:“难则难矣,然而未仁也。若以王为无道,则何故不受而治也?若以白公为不义,何故不受王,诛白公然而反王?故曰难则难矣,然而未仁也。” |
| Lu's Question: |
Meng Shan praised Prince Ze Lu, saying: "Formerly, in the uprising of Bo Gong, Prince Ze Lu was held captive. With axes around his waist and spears pointing at his heart, Bo Gong told him to be Lord and live or refuse and die. Prince Ze Lu said to him, 'What an insult to me. You have killed my parents and now bait me with the state of Chu. If it is not righteous I would not even take the whole empire, to say nothing of the state of Chu.' Thus he refused. Wasn't Prince Ze Lu magnanimous?" Mozi said: What he did was indeed difficult, but hardly magnanimous. If he thought the Lord had gone astray from the Tao, why not accept the offer and undertake the government himself? If he thought Bo Gong was unrighteous, why not accept the Lordship also, execute Bo Gong, and then return the Lordship to the Lord? Therefore I say what he did was indeed difficult, but hardly magnanimous. |
| 鲁问: |
子墨子使胜绰事项子牛。项子牛三侵鲁地,而胜绰三从。子墨子闻之,使高孙子请而退之曰:“我使绰也,将以济骄而正嬖也。今绰也禄厚而谲夫子,夫子三侵鲁,而绰三从,是鼓鞭于马靳也。翟闻之:‘言义而弗行,是犯明也。’绰非弗之知也,禄胜义也。” |
| Lu's Question: |
Mozi sent Sheng Zhuo to serve Xiang Zi Niu. Xiang Zi Niu invaded Lu three times, and Sheng Zhuo was three times with him. Hearing of this, Mozi sent Gao Sunzi to call him back, saying: I sent Zhuo there in order to cure pride and regulate insolence. Now, Zhuo draws a large salary and flatters his master. His master invaded Lu three times and he was with him every time. This is like whipping a horse by its martingale. I have heard that to preach righteousness but do it not is intentional commitment of wrong. It is not that Zhuo is ignorant. It is a case of victory of emolument over righteousness. |
| 鲁问: |
昔者楚人与越人舟战于江,楚人顺流而进,迎流而退,见利而进,见不利则其退难。越人迎流而进,顺流而退,见利而进,见不利则其退速,越人因此若埶,亟败楚人。公输子自鲁南游楚,焉始为舟战之器,作为钩强之备,退者钩之,进者强之,量其钩强之长,而制为之兵,楚之兵节,越之兵不节,楚人因此若埶,亟败越人。公输子善其巧,以语子墨子曰:“我舟战有钩强,不知子之义亦有钩强乎?”子墨子曰:“我义之钩强,贤于子舟战之钩强。我钩强,我钩之以爱,揣之以恭。弗钩以爱,则不亲;弗揣以恭,则速狎;狎而不亲则速离。故交相爱,交相恭,犹若相利也。今子钩而止人,人亦钩而止子,子强而距人,人亦强而距子,交相钩,交相强,犹若相害也。故我义之钩强,贤子舟战之钩强。” |
| Lu's Question: |
Formerly the people of Chu and the people of Yue had a battle on the River. The people of Chu were with the stream in their advance but against it in their retreat. When success was in sight they advanced. But when defeat was confronting them they found it very difficult to retreat. On the contrary the people of Yue advanced upstream but retreated downstream. When success was in sight they would advance. And when defeat was confronting them they could easily retreat. With this advantage the people of Yue greatly defeated the people of Chu. Gong Shuzi came south from Lu to Chu, and began making implements for naval warfare which consisted of grappling hooks and rams. When the enemy were retreating they used the hooks. And when the enemy were advancing they employed the rams. And the weapons were made according to the length of these hooks and rams. The weapons of Chu thus were all standardized, and those of Yue were not. And, with this advantage, the people of Chu greatly defeated the people of Yue. Gong Shuzi was proud of his cleverness and asked Mozi: "There are the implements for grappling and ramming in my boats of war. Do you have such a device in your righteousness?" Mozi said: The grappling and ramming device in my righteousness is more excellent than your implements in the boats of war. In my scheme, I pull with love and push with respect. If you do not pull with love there can be no intimacy. If you do not push with respect there will be rapid desecration. And desecration without real intimacy will soon end in separation. Therefore mutual love and mutual respect mean really mutual benefit. Now you pull people up to stop their retreat, but they would also pull you up and stop your retreat. You push people back to stop their advance, but they would also push you back to stop your advance. The mutual pulling and pushing are just mutual injury. Therefore the device of pulling and pushing in my righteousness is more excellent than the implements of pulling and pushing in your boats of war. |
| 鲁问: |
公输子削竹木以为鹊,成而飞之,三日不下,公输子自以为至巧。子墨子谓公输子曰:“子之为鹊也,不如匠之为车辖。须臾刘三寸之木,而任五十石之重。故所为功,利于人谓之巧,不利于人谓之拙。” |
| Lu's Question: |
Gong Shuzi constructed a bird from bamboo and wood and when it was completed he flew it. It stayed up (in the air) for three days. Gong Shuzi was proud of his supreme skill. Mozi said to him: Your accomplishment in constructing a bird does not compare with that of the carpenter in making a linch-pin. In a short while he could cut out the piece of wood of three inches. Yet it would carry a load of fifty shi. For, any achievement that is beneficial to man is said to be beautiful, and anything not beneficial is said to be clumsy. |
| 鲁问: |
公输子谓子墨子曰:“吾未得见之时,我欲得宋,自我得见之后,予我宋而不义,我不为。”子墨子曰:“翟之未得见之时也,子欲得宋,自翟得见子之后,予子宋而不义,子弗为,是我予子宋也。子务为义,翟又将予子天下。” |
| Lu's Question: |
Gong Shuzi confessed to Mozi: "Before I saw you, I wished to take Song. Since I have seen you, even if Song were offered me I would not take it if it is unrighteous." Mozi said: Before you saw me you wished to take Song. Since you have seen me even if Song were offered to you you would not take it if it unrighteous. This means I have given you Song. If you engage yourself in doing righteousness, I shall yet give you the whole world. |