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節用上 - Economy of Expenditures I

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
3 節用上:
Economy of Expenditures I:...:
Those who govern the empire to-day diminish the people in more ways than one: Employing the people they exhaust them, levying taxes they make them heavy. People fall into poverty and innumerable persons die of hunger and cold. Moreover the rulers make war and attack some neighbouring states. It may last a whole year, or, at the shortest, several months. Thus man and woman cannot see each other for a long time. Is not this a way to diminish the people? Living in danger, eating and drinking irregularly many become sick and die. Hiding in ambush, setting fire, besieging a city, and battling in the open fields, innumerable men die. Are not ways of diminishing the people getting numerous with the government of the rulers of to-day? They did not exist when the sage-kings administered the government. (In the government by the sagacious), many ways of increasing the population will arise. Therefore Mozi said: To cut out expenditures is the way of the sage-kings and a great blessing to the world.

1. 費, : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》

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