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Scope: Economy of Expenditures II Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: References "冬则练帛之中,足以为轻且凊" Matched:1.
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节用中 - Economy of Expenditures II

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
4 节用中:
Economy of Expenditures II:...:
The ancient sage-kings authorized the code of laws regarding clothing, saying: "Be satisfied with clothes of blue or grey silk in winter which are light and warm, and with clothes of flax-linen in summer which are light and cool." What causes extra expenditure but does not add benefits to the people the sage-kings would not allow. Because the ferocious and cunning animals were destroying men and injuring the people, the ancient sage-kings taught the people the use of weapons, saying: "Carry a two-edged sword which penetrates when it pierces and severs when it cuts. When struck with the flat side it does not break, this is the utility of a sword. To be light and strong and afford convenience of action, such is the utility of armour. A vehicle is used to carry weight and to travel great distances. It should be safe to ride and easy to pull; safe to ride so as not to hurt the rider, easy to pull so as to reach the destination speedily. This is the utility of the vehicle. Because the wide rivers and broad valleys were once not crossable the sage-kings ordered boats and oars to be made. And these were made just so that they could cross the riveri. Even when the High Duke or a feudal lord arrived, the boat and the oars were not changed and the ferryman put on no decorations. Such is the utility of the boat.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.