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Scope: Economy of Expenditures II Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "不極五味之調芬香之和不致遠國珍怪異物" Matched:1.
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節用中 - Economy of Expenditures II

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
3 節用中:
Economy of Expenditures II:...:
The ancient sage-kings authorized the code of laws regarding food and drink, saying: "Stop when hunger is satiated, breathing becomes strong, limbs are strengthened and ears and eyes become sharp. There is no need of combining the five tastes extremely well or harmonizing the different sweet odours. And efforts should not be made to procure rare delicacies from far countries." How do we know such were the laws? In ancient times, when Yao was governing the empire he consolidated Jiaoze on the south, reached Youdu on the north, expanded from where the sun rises to where the sun sets on the east and west, and none was unsubmissive or disrespectful. Yet, even when he was served with what he much liked, he did not take a double cereal or both soup and meat. He ate out of an earthen liu and drank out of an earthen xing, and took wine out of a spoon. With the ceremonies of bowing and stretching and courtesies and decorum the sage-king had nothing to do.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.