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Scope: Exaltation of the Virtuous III Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "而今天下之士君子居處言語皆尚賢逮至其臨眾發政而治民莫知尚賢而使能我以此知天下之士君子明於小而不明於大也" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

尚賢下 - Exaltation of the Virtuous III

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
2 尚賢下:
Exaltation of the Virtuous...:
The gentlemen of to-day all exalt the virtuous in their private speech and conduct. But when it comes to the administration of the government for the public, they fail to exalt the virtuous and employ the capable. Then I know the gentlemen understand only trifles and not things of significance. How do I know it is so? Suppose the ruler had a cow or a sheep which he could not have killed, he would surely look for a skilful butcher. Or if he wanted a garment which he could not have made, he would surely look for a skilful tailor. For these, the ruler would not employ his relatives, the rich without merit, and the good-looking, because he knew clearly they were incapable. He was afraid they would spoil the things to be attended to. So, in these, the rulers do not fail to exalt the virtuous and employ the capable. Again, if the ruler had a sick horse that he could not have cured, he would surely look for an experienced veterinary doctor. Or if he had a tight bow which he could not draw, he would surely look for a skilful workman. For these, the ruler would not employ his relatives, the rich without merit, and the good-looking, because he knew clearly they were incapable. He was afraid they would spoil the things to be attended to. So, in these matters the rulers do not fall to exalt the virtuous and employ the capable. But when it comes to the affairs of the state all is different. The relations of the rulers, the rich without merit, and the good-looking are all promoted. Then does it not seem that the rulers love their states not even as much as they love a tight bow, a sick horse, a garment, or a cow or a sheep? Therefore I know the gentlemen of the world understand only trifles and not things of significance. This is like trying to make messengers of the dumb and musical directors of the deaf.

1. 於 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.