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Scope: Geng Zhu Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "見人之作餅則還然竊之曰舍余食" Matched:1.
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耕柱 - Geng Zhu

English translation: W. P. Mei [?]
Books referencing 《耕柱》 Library Resources
18 耕柱:
Geng Zhu:
Mozi said to Prince Wen of Lu Yang: Here is a man who has such an abundance of sheep, oxen, and (other) grass-fed and grain-fed animals that he cannot eat all that the cooks prepare for him. (Yet,) when he sees a man baking cakes, he looks surprised and steals them, saying: "Let me eat them." Now, is this due to an unsatisfied appetite or is he affected with kleptomania? Prince Wen of Lu Yang replied that he must be suffering from kleptomania. Mozi said: The fields of Chu all lie in waste and cannot be exhaustively cultivated. The unoccupied land amounts to thousands (of mu) and is more than sufficient for cultivation. Yet when it saw the towns of Song and Zheng, it looked surprised and stole them. Is there any difference between this and the other (case)? Prince Wen of Lu Yang replied: "This is the same as that. It must be suffering from kleptomania (too)."

1. 不可 : Inserted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
2. 虚 : Originally read: "灵". Corrected by 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》

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