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Scope: Gong Meng Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "公孟子謂子墨子曰昔者聖王之列也上聖立為天子其次立為卿大夫今孔子博於詩書察於禮樂詳於萬物若使孔子當聖王則豈不以孔子為天子哉" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

公孟 - Gong Meng

English translation: W. P. Mei [?]
Books referencing 《公孟》 Library Resources
5 公孟:
Gong Meng:
Gong Mengzi said to Mozi: "In ancient times, in assigning ranks the sage-kings crowned the most sagacious as emperor, and appointed the others as ministers and secretaries. Now Confucius had an extensive knowledge of poetry and history, a clear understanding of ceremonial and music, and an intimate insight into many things. If it fell upon Confucius to be the sage-king, why should he not make himself emperor?" Mozi said: The wise man should reverence Heaven and worship the spirits, love the people and economize in expenditures. Combining these we get wisdom. Now, you say, Confucius had an extensive knowledge of poetry and history, a clear understanding of ceremonials and music, and an intimate insight into many things. Therefore, you think, he should be made emperor. This is like estimating one's wealth by counting the number of notches.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.