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Scope: Gong Meng Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "魯有昆弟五人者亓父死亓長子嗜酒而不葬亓四弟曰子與我葬當為子沽酒" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

公孟 - Gong Meng

English translation: W. P. Mei [?]
Books referencing 《公孟》 Library Resources
16 公孟:
Gong Meng:
A man visited Mozi's school. He was physically well built and mentally brilliant. Desiring to have him in his school, Mozi told him to come and study and that he would make him an official. Persuaded by such an attractive promise, he came to study. In a year, he demanded a position of Mozi. Mozi said: I have not made you an official. But have you not heard the story of Lu? There were five brothers in Lu whose father passed away. The eldest son loved wine and would not conduct the funeral. The four younger brothers said to him, "You conduct the funeral for us, and we shall buy wine for you." He was persuaded by such an attractive promise and buried (his father). After the burial he demanded wine of the four brothers. The four brothers told him, "We will not give you any wine. You are to bury your father and we, ours. Is your father only ours? If you don't bury him people will laugh at you, therefore we urged you to bury him." Now, you have done right and I have done right, is it only my righteousness? If you don't learn, people will laugh at you. Therefore I urged you to learn.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.