中國哲學書電子化計劃 |
顯示統計 修改檢索內容檢索內容: |
檢索範圍: 小取 檢索類型: 段落 |
條件1: 包含字詞"入船非入木也" 符合次數:1. |
共1段落。第1頁,共1頁。 |
《小取》 | [戰國 (公元前475年 - 公元前221年)] | 電子圖書館 相關資源 |
5 | 小取: |
獲之親1,人也;獲事其親,非事人也。其弟,美人也;愛弟,非愛美人也。車,木也;乘車,非乘木也。船,木也;入2船,非入3木也。盜人,人也,多盜,非多人也,無盜非無人也。奚以明之?惡多盜,非惡多人也;欲無盜,非欲無人也。世相與共是之。若若是,則雖盜人人也,愛盜非愛人也;不愛盜非不愛人也;殺盜人非殺人也,無難 盜無難4矣。此與彼同類,世有彼而不自非也,墨者有此而非之,無他故5焉,所謂內膠外閉與心毋空乎?內膠而不解也,此乃是而不然6者也。 |
Minor Illustrations: |
Huo's parents are people; Huo serving his parents is not serving people. His younger brother is a handsome person; caring for his younger brother is not caring for handsome people. A cart is wooden; riding a cart is not riding wood. A boat is wooden; entering a boat is not entering wood. A thief is a man; many thieves is not many men. There being no thieves is not there being no men. How can it be made clear? Hating there being many thieves is not hating there being many men. Wishing there were no thieves is not wishing there were no men. Everyone in the world takes these as so. If this is so, then though thieves are men, caring for thieves is not caring for men; not caring for thieves is not not-caring for men; killing thieves is not killing men – there is nothing difficult in it! This and those are of the same kind; the world have those and don't oppose themselves, [yet] we Mohists have this and they oppose us. There can be no other reason than that they are stopped up within and closed without; their heart-minds are all filled in! These are the "thus and not so". 1. 親 : 原作「視」。 |
共1段落。第1頁,共1頁。 |