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Scope: On Dyeing Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: References "其友皆孝悌笃谨畏令,如此者" Matched:1.
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所染 - On Dyeing

English translation: W. P. Mei [?]
Books referencing 《所染》 Library Resources
7 所染:
On Dyeing:
Not only states but also individuals are subject to influences. If one has for friends none but those who Iove magnanimity and righteousness and who are careful and respectful of course one's family will become more prosperous, one's person more at peace, and one's name more honorable every day; and, as an official, one will be properly qualified. Examples of such are Duan Gan Mu, Qinzi, and Fu Yue. (On the contrary) if one has for friends none but those who are proud and quarrelsome and who pretend to be intimate, naturally one's family will be reduced to straits, one's person will be more in danger, and one's name more dishonourable every day and one will not be qualified for office. And, examples of such are Zi Xi, Yi Ya, and Shu Diao. An Ode says: "One must choose what to be tinged with." To be careful about what one is to be tinged with is just the theme of this (essay).

1. 刀 : Originally read: "刁". Corrected by 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》

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