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Scope: On Ghosts III Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "觀辜曰鮑幼弱在荷繈之中鮑何與識焉" Matched:1.
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明鬼下 - On Ghosts III

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
7 明鬼下:
On Ghosts III:
Not only does the record in this book prove it to be so. Anciently, in the reign of Lord Wen of Song, whose name was Bao (610-589 B.C.), there was a master of ceremonies by the name of Guan Gu. While he was working in the temple, a wizard carrying a cane appeared and said to him: "Guan Gu, why don't the jades and stones measure up to the standard, and why are the cakes and wine unclean, and the victims imperfect and not fat, and the sacrifices not in season? Did you do this or did Bao do this?" Guan Gu answered: "Bao is still small and in his swaddle-clothes. What does he have to do with this? It is all done by the official in charge, Guan Gu." Thereupon the wizard lifted his cane and struck him, prostrating him on the altar. At the time those people who were present all saw it and those far away heard of it. And it was recorded in the Spring and Autumn of Song. The feudal lords circulated the news and remarked: "So speedy and severe is the punishment from spirits and ghosts to him who is not reverent in performing sacrifices!" Judging from the record of this book, how can we doubt that spirits and ghosts exist?

1. 时 : Inserted.
2. 也 : Inserted.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.