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Scope: On Ghosts III Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "子墨子曰周書大雅有之大雅曰文王在上於昭于天周雖舊邦其命維新" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

明鬼下 - On Ghosts III

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
13 明鬼下:
On Ghosts III:
Those who deny the existence of spirits might say: "Among the books of the ancient kings not a foot of silk or a sheet is found which testifies to the existence of ghosts and spirits once and again. Then where are these testimonies?" Mozi replied: They are found (for instance) in the "Da Ya" of the books of Zhou. "Da Ya" tells: "The rule of King Wen over the people pleased Heaven. Although Zhou is an old country, it is newly commissioned bv Heaven. Zhou does not appear showy. The commission from God does not appear to be seasonable. King Wen reached high and low, he was on the left and the right of God. How active was King Wen! He dispensed his intelligent virtue without ceasing." If ghosts and spirits do not exist, then how could King Wen be "on the left and right of God" since he was already dead? Here we have a testimony of ghosts in the book of Zhou.

1. 之 : Inserted.
2. 亦何书 : Deleted.
3. 之 : Deleted.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.