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节葬下 - Simplicity in Funerals III

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
10 节葬下:
Simplicity in Funerals III:...:
Those who uphold elaborate funerals and extended mourning say: "Although elaborate funerals and extended mourning cannot enrich the poor, increase the few, remove danger and regulate disorder, yet they were a principle of the sage-kings." Mozi replied: Not at all. Anciently, Yao went north to instruct the eight tribes of Di. He died on the way and was buried in the shade of Mt. Qiong. Of shrouds there were three pieces. The coffin was of soft wood, and sealed with flax linen. Weeping started only after burial. There was no mound, only the pit was filled up. After burial, oxen and horses plodded over it. Shun went west to instruct the seven tribes of Rong. He died on the way and was buried in the market place of Nanji. Of shrouds there were three pieces. The coffin was of soft wood and sealed with flax linen. After burial the people in the market place walked over it. Yu went east to instruct the nine tribes of Yi. He died on the way and was buried at Mt. Guiji. Of clothing there were three pieces. The coffin was of tong wood and sealed with flax linen. It did not crush when bound, and it did not sink in when pressed. The pit was not deep enough to strike water and not so shallow as to allow the odour to ascend. When the coffin had been buried, the remaining earth was gathered on it, and the mound was three feet high and no more. So, to judge according to these three sage-kings, elaborate funerals and extended mourning were really not the way of the sage-kings. These three sage-kings held the rank of Sons of Heaven and possessed the whole empire, yet they authorized their burial in this way; was it because of any fear of lack of means?

1. 之 : Originally read: "也以". Corrected by 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》

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