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《棋经》 | [Northern Song] 1010-1063 | Library Resources |
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[More (2 total)](唐)南卓、(唐)、段安节、(宋)、宴天章、(宋)刘仲甫 羯鼓录、乐府杂录、棋经、棋诀《墨海金壶》本
[More (2 total)](唐)南卓、(唐)、段安节、(宋)、宴天章、(宋)刘仲甫 羯鼓录、乐府杂录、棋经、棋诀《墨海金壶》本
2. 得算
3. 权舆
4. 合战
5. 虚实
6. 自知
7. 审局
8. 度情
9. 斜正
10. 洞微
11. 名数
12. 品格
13. 杂说
Digital base text [?]
A scanned version of the manuscript to which the digital edition of this text should conform is available in the Chinese Text Project Library. The Chinese Text Project edition of this text shown above is intended to follow the specified scanned source text in the Library section of the site except where explicitly noted. If you find any discrepancies, please report them so that they can be corrected.
URN: ctp:qijing