Publications by Ames, R.T. (安樂哲):
Total 15 matching resources; showing results 1-15.Type | | | | |
Book | English | | Confucian Role Ethics: A Vocabulary, University of Hawaii Press (April 2011) | 082483576X |
Book | English | | Dao De Jing: A Philosophical Translation, Ballantine Books (December 2003) | 0345444191 |
Book | English | | Sun-Tzu: The Art of War (Classics of Ancient China), Ballantine Books (March 1993) | 034536239X |
Book | English | ; | The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation (Classics of Ancient China), Ballantine Books (September 1999) | 0345434072 |
Book | English | | The Art of Rulership: A Study of Ancient Chinese Political Thought (主術:中國古代政治藝術之一環), State University of New York Press (July 1994) | 0791420612 |
Book | English | Ed. | Wandering at Ease in the Zhuangzi (Suny Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture), State University of New York Press (October 1998) | 0791439216 |
Book | English | ; | Thinking from the Han: self, truth, and transcendence in Chinese and Western culture, SUNY Press (1998) | 0791436136 |
Book | English | ; | Thinking Through Confucius, State University of New York Press (October 1987) | 0887063772 |
Book | English | ; | Sun Pin: the art of warfare (June 1996) | 0345379918 |
Book | English | ; | Sun Bin: The Art of Warfare : A Translation of the Classic Chinese Work of Philosophy and Strategy (Suny Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture), State University of New York Press (March 2003) | 0791454967 |
Book | English | ; | Yuan Dao: Tracing Dao to Its Source (Classics of Ancient China), Ballantine Books (July 1998) | 0345425685 |
Book | English | ; ; | Emotions in Asian thought: a dialogue in comparative philosophy, State Univ of New York Pr (1995) | 0791422232 |
Book | English | ; | The Chinese Classic of Family Reverence: A Philosophical Translation of the Xiaojing, University of Hawaii Press (2009) | 0824833481 |
Chapter | English | | Knowing in the Zhuangzi: "From Here, on the Bridge, over the River Hao" in "" p.219-230 | |
Chapter | English | | The Mencian Conception of Ren xing 人性: Does it Mean 'Human Nature'? in "" p.143-178 | |