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Scope: Provincial Graduate Wang meets a fellow candidate in a village school. Zhou Meng passes the examination in his old age Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "王舉人笑道說起來竟是一場笑話弟今年正月初一日夢見看會試榜弟中在上面是不消說了那第三名也是汶上人叫做荀玫" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

王孝廉村学识同科 周蒙师暮年登上第 - Provincial Graduate Wang meets a fellow candidate in a village school. Zhou Meng passes the examination in his old age

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28 王孝廉村... :
Provincial Graduate Wang meets...:
“This is certainly a joke,” said Wang Hui with a short laugh. “On the first day of this year I dreamed that I was looking at the list of metropolitan examination results. My name was on it — that goes without saying. But the third name was that of another man from Wenshang County called Xun Mei, and I wondered at this, since there was no provincial scholar from my county called Xun. Fancy it's turning out to be this little student's name! As if I could be on the same list as he!” He burst out laughing, then went on, “It's obvious that dreams are unreliable. Fame and achievement depend upon study, not upon any supernatural forces.”

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.