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Scope: Examiner Zhou picks out true talent. Butcher Hu cuts up rough after good news Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "范進唯唯連聲叫渾家把腸子煮了盪起酒來在茅草棚下坐著" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

周學道校士拔真才 胡屠戶行兇鬧捷報 - Examiner Zhou picks out true talent. Butcher Hu cuts up rough after good news

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16 周學道校... :
Examiner Zhou picks out...:
Fan Jin's mother and wife were delighted by his success. They were preparing a meal when his father-in-law arrived, bringing pork sausages and a bottle of wine. Fan Jin greeted him, and they sat down together.
「Since I had the bad luck to marry my daughter to a scarecrow like you,」 said Butcher Hu, 「Heaven knows how much you have cost me. Now I must have done some good deed to make you pass the examination. I've brought this wine to celebrate.」
Fan Jin assented meekly, and called his wife to cook the sausages and warm the wine. He and his father-in-law sat in the thatched shed, while his mother and wife prepared food in the kitchen.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.