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Scope: In which a monk invited to say masses is involved in a lawsuit, and a country gentleman out to raise money runs into trouble Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "方纔有幾個教親共備了五十斤牛肉請出一位老師夫來求我說是要斷盡了他們就沒有飯喫求我略鬆寬些叫做瞞上不瞞下送五十斤牛肉在這裏與我" Matched:1.
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薦亡齋和尚喫官司 打秋風鄉紳遭橫事 - In which a monk invited to say masses is involved in a lawsuit, and a country gentleman out to raise money runs into trouble

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20 薦亡齋和... :
In which a monk...:
Just then an attendant whispered something into the magistrate's ear, at which he got up and excused himself, saying he would be back presently. In a few minutes they heard him give the order, 「Put it there!」 Then he came in and sat down again at the table, apologizing for his absence.
「Mr. Zhang, you have held official posts,」 said Magistrate Tang. 「I would like your opinion on this. It's in connection with the prohibition of the sale of beef. Just now several Moslems got an old man to bring me fifty catties of beef and to plead with me saying that if I stop the sale of beef they will be forced out of business; and begging me to be more lenient. They want me, in fact, to shut my eyes to an illegal transaction. And they have sent this beef here. Should I accept it or not?」
「I should say certainly not, sir,」 replied Zhang. 「We officials owe allegiance only to the emperor, not to friends of the same faith. This reminds me of Mr. Liu in the reign of Hong Wu.」
「Which Mr. Liu?」 asked the magistrate.
「Liu Chi. He passed the palace examination in the third year of the reign, coming fifth on the list.」
「I thought he came third,」 put in Fan Jin.
「No,」 Zhang contradicted him. 「Fifth. I read his essay. Later he entered the Han Lin Academy. One day Emperor Hong Wu went to his house in disguise, just like the emperor in the old story who called on his friend one snowy night. But that same day Prince Zhang of Jiangnan sent Liu a pitcher of pickled vegetables, and Liu opened it in the emperor's presence only to find that it was full of gold. The emperor was very angry and said, 'He seems to think that scholars can control the state.' The next day he degraded Liu Chi to the post of magistrate of Qingtien, and had him poisoned. No, no, you can't accept the beef!」

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.